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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

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  • Additional Services

    Find out more about our disaster preparedness plan, as well as our shared branches across the country.



    Disaster Preparedness

    SIU Credit Union has worked extensively to create a disaster preparedness plan, which we are prepared to activate during a disastrous event. Our goal is to resume at least some level of service to our members as quickly as possible.

    Members are reminded of our website, where we will post information and details should there be a disaster in our area causing disruption of credit union services (providing internet service is still available). Also, by calling 1-800-449-7301, our members can receive voice recordings and announcements during a disaster, providing telephone service is still available.

    What are fast and easy ways to take care of my finances in an emergency?

    Learn More

    Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe




    Make sure you have enough cash on hand to help you through should you be displaced or have basic needs for an extended period of time. Fill up your gas tank should you have pre-warning of an impending disaster.


    Disaster Kit


    Have a disaster kit for your home, auto, and office. Carry things such as food, water, a flashlight, battery operated radio, medical necessities, and emergency contact numbers. When making a disaster kit for your family, make sure you have enough water for each person for 3 days. You can customize your disaster kits as much as you like, i.e. a change of clothes, toiletries, important documents, and much more.


    Family Communications Plan


    Sit down with your family and develop an evacuation plan. Determine a meeting place should you get separated. Also, determine which family or friends living out of the area you will each notify to let everyone know you are safe if local communications with each other is impossible.

    Helpful Phone Numbers



    Shared Branches


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    Other Search Methods


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