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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Term Note

Keep it simple

​A straightforward loan with a one-time payment

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  • ​​Fixed rate and loan amount
  • Single payment of principal and interest made at maturity
  • Know exactly how much you’ll pay in interest
  • Easy application process

​What is a term note?

​Perfect for short term borrowing, a term note is a fixed-rate loan with a set term. With a term note, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting: you’ll agree upon an amount with us, which will go right to you. Then, when your term is up, you make a single payment of both the total loan amount and the interest you owe. If you’re in need of ready cash—and know exactly when you’ll be able to pay it back—this is the loan for you. Applications are fast, and you can fill one out right here online.

Calculate your payment

This loan calculator will help you determine how much you can afford.

Use Calculator

​Free online application

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Important Notice

Blitz currently in progress.
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