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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Holiday Savings

​Make the holidays special

An account that motivates you to save throughout the year

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  • Competive interest rate for maximum savings
  • Direct deposit available so you never forget to save
  • Funds are disbursed back to your main account on Sept. 30
  • Stay motivated to save—penalties are assessed for early withdrawals

​The easiest way to save

Want to truly commit to saving for the holidays? This account can help you avoid debt and be a holiday hero, all with minimal effort and maximum motivation. Here’s how it works: each month you can put a little aside for the holidays in a separate savings account. You can even set up direct deposit to make it easy. Then, in mid-October, we’ll issue a check or place the funds back to your main savings account, so you’re ready to start shopping. If you try to withdraw your funds before that, you’ll have to pay a penalty.


​A better deal

We give you higher dividends than most financial institutions will for holiday accounts.

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Calculate your savings

Use this calculator to estimate your savings growth over time.

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​Ready to get started?

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Important Notice

Blitz currently in progress.
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