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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


SIU Credit Union’s Home-Buying 101 Seminar

Buying a home requires a very large amount of planning.  There are multiple steps that may seem overwhelming at first glance.  There will be financial planning, working with a realtor, appraisals, titles, home inspections, and credit checks.  With so many different pieces working together, you most likely have questions about how everything works.  SIU Credit Union decided to get an expert in each of these fields and bring them all to one location to assist you with your home-buying questions.  Whether this is your first home, an upgrade to your current residence or a real estate purchase for your portfolio, you owe it to yourself to have all your questions answered.

Seating is limited, so please RSVP by May 6 to 618-549-8621 or email


Our Speakers:

Jana Ledbetter – SIUCU

Bob Davenport – Realty Central

Jason Heumann – FHA Approved Appraiser

Scott Murrie – Title Professionals

Ray Hogan – Home Inspector

Brian Zitlow – TransUnion



Thursday, May 8

6 – 8 p.m.



SIU Credit Union – Data Center

(Across the street from branch)

400 N. Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62901


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