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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Community Involvement

Marion Chamber Business After Hours Event

Last week, SIU Credit Union hosted the Marion Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours event. Over 50 Marion business leaders attended the reception. Our friends at Asian Bistro catered the event. It was great to get to know the movers and shakers in Marion and to talk with them about the services

Credit Union staff offer a glass of Alto Vinyard Wine to Joni, with the Marion Chamber of Commerce.
Credit Union staff offer a glass of Alto Vinyard Wine to Joni, with the Marion Chamber of Commerce.

 SIUCU can offer them. SIU Credit Union has added business loan and deposit accounts to our list of products and services. For over 70 years, we’ve been a major player in the consumer financial market. We’re excited to expand the level of service and the competitive pricing structure into the business market.

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