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SIUCU Mobile

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Youth Accounts

  • Build your child’s financial future

    From the right accounts to the best financial programs, we’re all about offering top quality resources at SIU Credit Union, to help secure your children’s financial future.


    All About Banzai!


    Getting financially fit isn’t easy. But teach children how to pump up their savings and they’ll have one of the most difficult aspects of finance mastered by the time they’re teens—being consistent savers.

    We’ve partnered with Banzai! to bring financial literacy to life in your child’s classroom! Banzai is a FREE educational tool that helps teach the value of a dollar. Teachers and administrators are invited to sign up for this program.


    Find a Youth Account

    We offer youth accounts to all different age groups, because we believe it’s never too young to start saving. Find the right account for your child below.

Important Notice

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