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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store


SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Custom Daily Savings

​Maximize your savings

A high-interest savings account

​Open Account
  • Save more with a higher-than-average interest rate
  • $500 minimum to open and earn interest
  • Interest calculated on the daily balance and paid monthly
  • 2 free withdrawals per month (each additional $5.00)

Watch your savings add up

Similar to a Money Market account, Custom Daily Savings lets you earn a higher rate in exchange for maintaining a higher balance. If you’re interested in earning more interest, this is the account for you. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly, so you can watch your savings add up. As an added perk, you can also make two free withdrawals every month, so you won’t feel tied down.


​A rate just for you

Earn up to .35% on your balance—and get dividends monthly.

​View Rates

Calculate your savings

Use this calculator to estimate your savings growth over time.

Use Calculator

Start saving more

​Open Account

Important Notice

Blitz currently in progress.
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