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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Online Investing

​Invest in your future

​Make your money work for you

​Contact Us
  • Develop a ​​personalized financial portfolio
  • Get custom financial advisement on all investment decisions
  • Receive access to mutual funds as well as stocks and bonds

​A partner in investing

​Selecting the right investments and monitoring them over time is crucial to any long-term strategy. SIU Credit Union Investment Services is here to help you to accumulate, protect, and transfer your wealth. Our goal is to develop a personal roadmap for you to navigate to a financially secure future. Together, we’ll help determine the right mix of investments to help you reach your financial objectives with the degree of risk you find comfortable. As part of our yearly fee-based service offered through LPL Financial, you’ll receive access to mutual funds as well as stocks and bonds to achieve a solid and diversified portfolio.

​Start your investing journey

​Contact Us

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