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SIUCU Mobile

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​Protect what you love

Insurance policies for life, auto, and more, available through TruStage, our trusted partner.

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  • Products for life, car, AD&D, long-term care, home and more
  • More than 80 years of partnership with credit unions
  • Affordable, extensive policies and caring customer service

​What is TruStage?

​​​We work with TruStage* to provide a variety of insurance products, so our members can protect what matters most to them. TruStage** has been working in partnership with credit unions for over 80 years, and has a long history of trustworthiness, care, and affordability—it’s why we chose them. On our partner site you’ll find products for life, car, AD&D, long-term care, home and more. You can also get a free quote for your policy.

​Fast, online insurance quotes

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  • *​© CUNA Mutual Group, 2012 All Rights Reserved

    **TruStage™ is a marketing brand used to identify products offered through CMFG Life Insurance Company and programs offered through CMFG Life insurance agencies to credit union members.

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