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SIUCU Mobile

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Press Release

SIU Credit Union Presents ‘Jeans Because We Care’ Donations

January 26, 2017 – Carbondale, IL – SIU Credit Union recently presented two local non-profit organizations with donations on behalf of its ‘Jeans Because We Care’ fund. The Night’s Shield Children’s Shelter and Perry County Humane Society were selected by staff to each receive a $2,395 check. Every Friday the staff at SIU Credit Union has the option to wear jeans for a $2.00 donation that goes directly back to the local communities.

“This is what being a local, member-owned financial cooperative is all about,” said Kim Babington, Vice President of Business Development at SIU Credit Union. “We are so thankful that we can help make a difference right here and look forward to helping other organizations in any way we can.”

The Night’s Shield

(L to R) Lindsey Bullman, The Night’s Shield Executive Director; Kim Babington, SIUCU VP of Business Development; Mike Lantrip, SIUCU President/CEO; Sara Bond, The Night’s Shield Board President.

Perry County Humane Society

(L to R) Tammie Hoffard, Volunteer; Kim Babington, SIUCU VP of Business Development; Amber Gulley, Kennel Tech; Mike Lantrip, SIUCU President/CEO.

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