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News, Press Release

SIU Credit Union’s Mike Lantrip attends CUNA Management School


Photo: Mike Lantrip, Vice President of Finance

Carbondale, IL- August 3, 2015 Mike Lantrip, Vice President of Finance at SIU Credit Union, recently completed Year 2 of Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Management School in Madison, Wisconsin. The CUNA Management School program builds dynamic leaders with a rigorous blend of university classes and experiential learning activities. CUNA Management School has a well-earned reputation as an outstanding three-year executive education program that has prepared over 5,000 students.

As part of Year 2, CUNA Management School students participate in the 2-week long Stanford Bank Simulation. Lantrip’s team finished first out of 15 other teams. This simulation allows credit union professionals the chance to participate in sophisticated scenarios and make executive decisions based on a wide number of variables. Through a process of trial and error, students gain understanding of the factors that go into making wise financial decisions before they are forced to make the tough decisions in real life.

Lantrip has been with SIU Credit Union since 1983 and serves as the company’s Vice President of Finance. He graduated from Carterville High School in 1984 and received a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Southern Illinois University in 1991.

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