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SIUCU Mobile

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Financial Education, Financial Resources

Out on your own? Protect your stuff!

It’s been awhile since I have really gotten to write a more personal blog, but this is something I have had to encounter and I hope this is helpful to any of you “youngins”. 😉

This could be you. Only this isn't the '90's.
“Woohoo! We’re at college!”

I moved out older than most people — at 25. I did this because I was a.) too cheap, b.) never home anyway and that just did not make much sense to me, and c.) I went through a very tragic event and had too much anxiety to be alone. Enough of the sob story.

However, in May 2015, I found myself in a nice apartment in Murphysboro. It’s an older building, which is exactly what I was looking for. But, because it is an older building, the wiring is probably older, the roof wouldn’t hurt to be replaced, could use to be pin-tucked (a.k.a. some brickwork), and my appliances run on natural gas. I have a lot of stuff. A lot of expensive stuff.

I play guitar. Bingo. Guitars are not cheap, just ask my dad. They are my children. I invested in a MacBook Pro. Boom. $2,000 right there. I would CRY if something happened to it. Before I had any more worries while I was gone, I finally decided to get my act together and get Renter’s Insurance.

I dreaded it. I didn’t have time to really call and talk to an agent, just to be confused and potentially be ripped off. Since I am a member of SIU Credit Union, I remembered that we had an insurance service called TruStage, but was unsure of all it offered. (We have a LOT of services, and I am still trying to learn them all. True story.)

In a few clicks, I was very pleased. I visited, immediately found the TruStage logo.

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Then, I clicked on this…

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On the next page, I found an orange box that said “Get Quote”.  I entered in my credit union and zip code.

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Which redirected me to here:

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I filled out the forms, step-by-step. Since my building is over a hundred years old (I mean, it survived the 1928 TriState Tornado. SOLID.), I selected that it could use repairs, as well. I chose the lowest price bracket of $15,000. There is NO way I have that much my apartment. But, hey, it works.

I held my breath for the big moment once it was generating a monthly rate.

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That’s right. $15!!


What a relief! 

I have worked full-time at my first “big girl job” since I was 21 as a graphic designer. Although I should be more experienced in situations such dealing with insurance and such, I simply was not. Mommy took care of me. To estimate a quote AND enroll within 10 minutes….at a great price point. Maybe acting like a grown-up isn’t so bad after all.


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