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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

Free - On the App Store

Community Involvement, Fun & Games

#imsavingfor Contest!

It’s time for America Saves Week!

What is America Saves Week, you ask? America Saves is an organization in Washington, D.C., that is focused on helping consumers, well, SAVE!

BUT, here is the fun part – If you take a pledge and post it, you could be entered to win $500 toward your savings!


I’m that cool.


Here’s how to enter:

  • Share a picture of what you’re saving for to your favorite social media platform (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) using #imsavingfor
  • Enter to win at


Only one entry per person, but you can get an extra 3 entries by taking the next step in saving and completing the America Saves Pledge. After you enter, look for an email with your bonus opportunity information.

The contest runs from NOW – March 6. America Saves will pick one entre at random on March 9 and contact them by email. For full official rules:


Feel free to share with us on Facebook or Twitter! 🙂

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