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SIUCU Mobile

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SIUCU Mobile

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Member Spotlight: Jeff McGoy

How long have you been a member at SIU Credit Union?

Jeff:  I have been a member for at least 3 years now.

What do you do for a living?

Jeff:  I work at SIUC as a Coordinator of New Student Programs and an advisor for 7 Registered Student Organizations.

What is the most Rewarding part of your job?

 Jeff: Working with the students, their families, faculty, staff, and the community.

How would you sum up your experiences at SIUCU?

Very good! I love the customer service, availability and financial security.

Do you hold any other accounts at other financial institutions?  And if so, what’s the biggest difference?

Jeff:  I do but everything at SIUCU is very professional, easy to access and I never have any worries about my money, account, hidden fees or whatever.

When you think of SIUCU, what’s the first word that comes to mind?

Jeff: Quality!

Was there ever a time where we went beyond your expectations?

Jeff: Yes!  Just in all that is done. I am always pleased about the service, friendliness, and availability.

Which branch of SIUCU do you most often visit?  On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the atmosphere there?

Jeff: The Carbondale East Branch is my favorite!!!  The atmosphere is always a Perfect 10!

Not too long ago, you got tickets to our tailgate, how’d you like it?

Jeff: It was really nice! One of my uncles was in town visiting and he spoke very highly of the service and atmosphere.

Additional comments:

I LOVE SIU Credit Union and do refer people to you all. Thanks for all that you do!

–          Jeff McGoy

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